Latest News Search Firm Secured
The 皇冠体育官网 Board of Trustees has secured a search firm as they look to fill the Head of School position. NextEd, a professional search firm with a successful track record of placing well-suited candidates in Christian schools nationwide will lead the search.
The Board is confident that, under the leadership of Steve O’Neil, NextEd will diligently search for and vet candidates—whether internal or external—who align with 皇冠体育官网’s mission to educate and equip students to change the world for God’s glory.
NextEd to serve as Search Firm
NextEd will partner with the Board of Trustees in the search for a new Head of School.

Search Committee Contacts
Search Committee Chair: Phillips Jones
Board of Trustees Chair: Terri Harper
NextEd Contact Steve O’Neil:
Communications from Board Chair
Dear 皇冠体育官网 Community,
As the new year begins, I am pleased to share an update on the Head of School search on behalf of the Board of Trustees. Following thoughtful prayer, meetings, and discussions, the search process is now underway, and initial decisions are being made. In alignment with 皇冠体育官网’s bylaws, one of the Board’s primary responsibilities is to appoint and oversee the Head of School, its sole employee. To fulfill this duty, the Board will serve as the search committee for this critical role and has appointed Phillips Jones, Board Vice Chair, to lead the search process. Phillips can be reached at: 皇冠体育官网
To assist in this endeavor, we have engaged NextEd, a professional search firm with a successful track record of placing well-suited candidates in Christian schools nationwide. We are confident that, under the leadership of Steve O’Neil, NextEd will diligently search for and vet candidates—whether internal or external—who align with 皇冠体育官网’s mission to educate and equip students to change the world for God’s glory.
The initial phase of the search will involve developing a Head of School profile based on campus visits and interviews with the Board, faculty, and friends of 皇冠体育官网. Following this, the position will be actively marketed, and candidate interviews and evaluations will begin.
I pray for God’s blessings upon you in the new year and eagerly anticipate His guidance in shaping 皇冠体育官网’s promising future.
He is faithful,
Terri Harper
Board of Trustees, Chair
“As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts higher than yours,” declares the Lord. Isaiah 55:9
To Families and Friends of First Presbyterian Day School,
On behalf of the Board of Trustees, I want to inform you that we have received the resignation of Dr. John Patterson, Head of School, effective June 30, 2025. Dr. Patterson shared his decision with the faculty and staff earlier today. Beginning July 1, 2025, he will assume a leadership role as Head of School at the prestigious Brentwood Academy, in Brentwood, TN.
皇冠体育官网 is strong and in a great place in her history! Dr. Patterson, during his five-year tenure at 皇冠体育官网, has left an indelible mark on our school. His pursuit of excellence and passion for 皇冠体育官网 are evident across the campus, in our classrooms, and in the hearts of many. Some of his notable accomplishments include:
- Campus improvements, such as renovations of nearly every building on campus, enhancing the entrance and exit to make them more welcoming and aesthetically pleasing, and beautifying the campus through landscaping initiatives
- Accelerating fundraising efforts, which were bolstered by the addition of a Director of Development
- Implementing a comprehensive safety program, including the introduction of a uniformed officer on campus
- Deep care for students, knowing most by name, praying for them, and maintaining an open-door policy to ensure accessibility
- Creating an amazing leadership team with his support staff
- Leading the school to a successful renewal of accreditation from three agencies in March of this year, receiving high praise from visiting professionals involved in the process
It has been my privilege, as the Chair of the Board, to have supported Dr. Patterson in his leadership role in strengthening 皇冠体育官网’s status as one of the nation’s exemplary Christian schools. His embodiment of 皇冠体育官网’s mission, “to educate and equip students to change the world for God’s glory,” has been a hallmark of his time here. We deeply appreciate his dedication to the school, its mission, and our community. He and Cindy will be greatly missed! We trust that God will continue to use them for His glory, as they move forward.
In accordance with our by-laws, the Board of Trustees will begin a national search for a new Head of School. We are committed to transparency throughout this process and will keep the school community updated through a dedicated page on the 皇冠体育官网 website. The Board is optimistic and confident that 皇冠体育官网’s future is strong and bright. God’s faithfulness and goodness will continue to guide us as we move forward with unwavering commitment to our mission and values.
For God’s glory,
Terri Harper
Board of Trustees, Chair